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Critical Illness Cover

Critical Illness

During your life you are extremely likely to suffer from a critical illness. After all, 1 in 2 people in the UK will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime*.

Cancer is the most common critical illness, but there’s over 30 other critical illness conditions, for example, heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's etc. You can understand why we are passionate about encouraging people to look at getting some critical illness cover to protect themselves, should any of these affect them in the future.

What is Critical Illness Cover?

Critical illness cover, or critical illness insurance, is a form of protection which pays out a tax-free lump sum if you are diagnosed with a specified illness or medical condition, during the term and listed on your policy.


Not all conditions are covered on your policy and it will also state how serious any particular condition must be to get a payout. If you feel you need a particular condition covered, we’ll advise you on the insurance providers that will include it in your policy.


Do you need Critical Illness Cover?

Imagine you or your partner is diagnosed with cancer or another critical illness. It’s going to impact your life straight away. The worry, anxiety, stress etc. of you health and finances. 

Health - How bad will the illness be? Will you be able to recover? Will you need private medical care? 

Money - How much time off work will you need? How will you keep up with rent or mortgage payments? Will you still be able to pay the household bills on a lower income? 


Critical illness cover not only covers adults, some policies also include children in the same policy, for free. This generally means that if you have protection for say £20,000, all your children and ‘bump’ (after 24 weeks gestation) will be covered for children's critical illnesses upto £10,000. Plus children’s funeral cover of between £5-10,000. 


You should look at getting critical illness cover if: 

  • You don’t have enough savings to tide you over if you become seriously ill or disabled

  • You don’t have an employee benefits package to cover a longer time off work due to sickness.


Cover My Bubble Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and is entered on the Financial Services Register under reference number 804702.

Cover My Bubble Ltd is registered in England & Wales under registration number 11190721 and the Information Commissioners Office Number is ZA488887. Registered Address: Saturn House, Mercury Rise, Altham Business Park, Accrington, BB55BY.

© 2022 CoverMyBubble & Claire Marie Designs

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